Anujan Mahesan

Graduated: 2020

Current Role: Private Wealth Relationship Associate at NAB
                        MQU student
                        University of Melbourne student

Did you always aspire to be in the job position you currently hold?

Nope. Growing up I was never ambitious in comparison to my peers. I never had that hunger to do well in exams or assignments let alone have an idea of what I wanted to do after school. A month after graduation I was bummed out about the HSC, so I applied for a job at the bank for a simple teller role. While I may not have actively pursued this role with the best of my abilities initially, I slowly could see myself enjoying the banking/sales industry as time went. As I've gained more experience and insights over the years, I've come to appreciate the value and opportunities that NAB provides, and I'm committed to making the most of it moving forward. More than anything though I’ve always been lucky to have people in my life in different stages of my career to push me to be better.

What have you done since leaving CTHS?

After graduating, I started working full time at NAB as a sales teller at the Chatswood branch/ hills area while also studying a Bachelor of Commerce with a major in International Business (Still studying) at Macquarie university. 

I then moved into Home Lending where I looked after a portfolio of clients with their home lending and investment needs while also finding my own clients from networking such as LinkedIn/ networking events/ referral partners.

A year later, I relocated to Melbourne and had the privilege of leading a home lending team across Victoria and Tasmania. This role provided me the opportunity to experience working with diverse individuals possessing a wide range of skills. In this role, I had the fortunate opportunity to speak in front of our CEO, Ross McEwan, who also shared his own invaluable advice.

This management role pushed me to enroll in a management course at Melbourne University which I am still studying after hours with my Macquarie degree.

Fast forward this year, I started working in private banking at NAB’s head office where my specific client group is with partners from the big 4 accounting firms, Tier 1 law firms and general CEO’s. However next year I’ll be taking a 6 month break from work and backpack across all of Sri Lanka and parts of India/Europe.

Describe your average work day....

6:00am: I’m up and at the gym in the apartment or if the weather isn’t terrible a quick run with my roommate to the beach to catch the sunrise.

9:00am: Luckily, it’s only a 15min walk to the office, so I get to the office around 9 and start of my day by going through emails, appointments/ meetings for the day. Complete any necessary task I’ve pended from the day before.

11:00am: I have meetings with my assigned Private client managers (PCM). In these meetings we could be discussing existing/new clients, how we can grow client’s investment using various products and services, how we can go out and create referral relationships with buyer’s agency, accountants, lawyers etc.

12:30pm: lunches with clients are usually scheduled around midday where I join my PCM and the client/s

2:00 After lunch I usually sit down with the graduate students to see how they are and where I can further support them regarding policy, systems, etc.

5:00pm: Some days you finish at 6 or 7 some days you finish at 5, depends how the day goes. I get home by 5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I’m not late for my uni tutorials and it gives me time to do any assignments if needed.

7:00pm: Dinner with some friends in the apartment at the rooftop (nothing beats Sri Lankan lamb curry!!)

9:30pm: Bedtime.

Please share some words of wisdom for today's students...

Be curious, look for challenges and make educated risk. Always ask for help, you have 2000+ alumni all with different experiences, reach out to them. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or do things differently.

Greatest lessons leaned at CTHS

Smile every day and laugh every day

Shout-out to a special teacher or subject

I really enjoyed my time at CTHS, I'm grateful for Mrs. Bower who forced me to do some sort of work experience which I ended up doing with my cousin at Perpetual. It turned out to be the best work experience I could’ve done. Mr. Brown was another stand out, an amazing teacher who always kept it real with his students.

A piece of advice for students today