school achievement
George an moves to new School after 10 years at Cths
George An has become Head Teacher Science at Sydney Secondary College and has therefore finished up at CTHS after more than 10 years. Over that time he taught a range of you including 7-10 science, STEM, senior science (2014, 2016, 2018), physics (2013-2022) and science extension (2018-2022). He was also the Year Adviser for the graduating class of 2020.
We asked him to reflect on his time at CTHS and here is what he shared
What I enjoyed most about CTHS
Being Year Adviser 2015-2020.
The opportunity to professionally develop at CTHS through the support of the executive team.
Students saying "thank you" at the end of the lesson
Collegiality of staff
What were some of the tougher elements
Hearing stories as a Year Adviser of some tough things young people have to go through.
Over emphasis on exam marks, HSC results, ATARs.
Seeing students waste their time, seeing school as an inconvenience rather than a blessed opportunity.
What would you say to your past students?
To all the past students enrolled in my classes at CTHS, I hope you're well and not a societal nuisance. As Ashton Kutcher said during his 2013 Teen Choice award speech "build a life, find your opportunity and always be smart".
If you see me out in the real world, say hi, but start with your name and the year you were relevant in my teaching life. That way, it'll avoid awkwardness where I'm guessing your name, and you'll be inevitably disappointed...